Fabric from the Sugarcreek collection by Corey Yoder for Moda Fabrics. The price shown is per quarter metre. Fabric can be purchased in quarter metre units. For example, if you wish to order 1½ metres enter 6 as the quantity (6 x ¼m = 1½ metres). The fabric will be sent as a single piece. If ordering a single ¼m, the piece will be a fat quarter unless you tell us you want a thin quarter.
Fabric from the Rouenneries Trois collection by French General for Moda Fabrics. The price shown is per quarter metre. Fabric can be purchased in quar...
Fabric from the Little Ducklings fabric collection by Paper and Cloth Design Studio for Moda Fabrics. The price shown is per quarter metre. Fabric can...
Fabric from the Sweetness collection by Sandy Gervais for Moda Fabrics. The price shown is per quarter metre. Fabric can be purchased in quarter metre...
Fabric from the Spring Chicken fabric collection by Sweetwater for Moda Fabrics. The price shown is per quarter metre. Fabric can be purchased in quar...
Fabric from the Linen Texture fabric collection by Makower UK. Coordinates with several of the Makower ranges.The price shown is per quarter metre.Fab...
Moda Fabrics Puzzle Pieces. The price shown is per quarter metre. Fabric can be purchased in quarter metre units. For example, if you wish to order 1½...